Policy | Waiver and Permissions

Waiver and Permissions
Updated February 22, 2021
In consideration of the individual whose name is set forth above (the “Participant”) being permitted by Calgary Basketball Academy (“CBA”) to participate in any CBA tryouts, games, events, and activities related thereto (collectively the “Event”), Participant and if Participant is under the age of the majority in the province in which Participant resides, I the parents or legal guardians of the Participant, on behalf of Participant, hereby:
- Acknowledges that Participant’s participation in the Event involves risk of serious bodily injury, death, property damage and/or other harm which might result not only from the Participant’s actions, inactions, or negligence, but also from the actions, inactions or negligence of others, the conditions of the premises or of any equipment used, and that there may be other risks not known or reasonably foreseeable at this time; and accepts sole responsibility for all of the hazards and risks to Participant and Participant’s property associated with or related to Participant’s participation in the Event and for any damage or injury that Participant may cause to others;
- Releases, waives and forever discharges any and all claims of damages or causes of action,including but not limited to, death, personal injury or loss or damage to property, which Participant or any of Participant’s representatives, heirs, next of kin or assignees (“Participant’s Representatives”) may have or which may hereinafter accrue to Participant or Participant’s
Representatives as a result of Participant’s participation in the Event or otherwise and which may be asserted by Participant, or Participant’s Representatives against Calgary Basketball Academy and its respective officers, directors, governors, officials, employees, agents, sponsors, and affiliates (collectively, the “Released Entities”), whether caused by the acts, omissions or negligence of the Released Entities or by any other person or entity, including, but not limited to, any loss of collegiate or high school eligibility as a result of Participant’s participation in Event (it is recommended that, before registering for the Event, each would-be participant contact his/her coach, athletic director and/or amateur athletic governing body to ensure that such eligibility would not be affected by participating in the Event);
- Agrees to indemnify and save and hold harmless the Released Entities and each of them from loss, liability, damage or cost they may incur due to the undersigned's participation in the Event, whether caused by the negligence of the Released Entities or otherwise.
- Grants permission to Calgary Basketball Academy to collect and utilize Participant’s name, voice, statements, photograph, image, likeness, actions at the Event and/or Participant’s biographical data in any live or recorded form (including, but not limited to, any form of video display or other transmission or reproduction), in whole or in part, for promotional, commercial or any other purpose, in perpetuity worldwide on standard and non-standard television, home video, print, electronic and on-line media (including, without limitation, the Internet), and in any other means of distribution, publication or exhibition, whether now known or hereinafter created without any additional consideration in connection with the Event, future Events, and the marketing, advertising and promotion thereof. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, I hereby give permission to CBA and each of its respective officers, directors, governors, officials, employees, and agents to collect and use my contact information (being my name, address, telephone number and e-mail address) to communicate with me about upcoming CBA updates, programming information, etc, with the understanding that CBA will not share any of the above mentioned information with Event sponsors and corporate partners to receive exclusive offers and special opportunities from such sponsors/suppliers/advertisers.
Personal information collected by CBA from you is collected under the authority of S.32c of the Freedom of Information Protection of Privacy Act and will be used to administer program registrations, membership management, and facility bookings for Community Services. Aggregate data will be used for program planning and evaluation. Questions about the collection of personal information should be directed to the Community Services FOIP Coordinator at (780) 496-4863.
If at any time Participant would like to withdraw Participant’s consent to any future communication with CBA, Participant may do so by sending an e-mail to info@basketballalberta.ca indicating Participant’s desire to withdraw from any future communication from CBA; and if not signed by Participant’s parent or guardian above, represents that Participant is over the age of majority in the province in which Participant resides; and acknowledges that the Released Entities are relying on the grant of rights contained herein.